Biotechnology is revolutionizing industries worldwide by offering innovative solutions that surpass the capabilities of traditional methods. For brands and formulators in the personal care industry, embracing biotechnology can significantly enhance product formulations, reduce environmental impact, strengthen claims, and craft compelling brand narratives. This integration not only addresses some of the industry's most pressing challenges, but also opens up new avenues for innovation, efficacy, customization, and safety.

Firstly, what is biotechnology? Biotechnology involves the use of living organisms, cells, or biological systems to develop products and technologies that improve our quality of life. In the context of formulations, it means applying biological processes to create or modify ingredients, enhancing their functionality and effectiveness. The shift from traditional extraction and synthesis methods to biotech-driven processes allows for greater precision, efficiency, and sustainability. Now, let’s dive into all the various benefits and possibilities that biotechnology can offer.

Key benefits on this page


Innovative ingredients with enhanced properties

One of the primary benefits of leveraging biotechnology in formulations is the ability to develop innovative ingredients with enhanced properties. For instance, bioengineered peptides have been created to stimulate collagen production in skincare products, offering anti-aging benefits beyond what natural extracts can achieve. These peptides are designed to interact specifically with skin cells, promoting regeneration and reducing signs of aging. A study demonstrated the effectiveness of such peptides in improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles, highlighting their potential in cosmetic formulations (2). This level of targeted functionality is difficult to achieve with conventional ingredients.

Biotechnology also overcomes natural limitations by synthesizing novel compounds not found in nature, expanding the range of possible ingredients and functionalities. This capability leads to products with enhanced or entirely new benefits. For example, synthetic biology has enabled the production of rare natural products like artemisinin, an antimalarial compound, through engineered yeast cells, making it more accessible and affordable (3).

Biotech production offers consistent quality and supply, mitigating issues related to crop variability, seasonality, or environmental factors that affect natural sources. This reliability ensures that products meet quality standards batch after batch, essential for maintaining brand reputation. It also reduces dependence on regions prone to political instability or climate-related disruptions, securing the supply chain.

🎥 Covalo Watch Tip: Together with Core Biogenesis, we hosted a webinar on biotech-based Growth Factors, and how they represent the next generation of anti-aging after retinol. Learn more about ingredient innovations made possible by Biotech - watch the webinar here

Customization and personalization

Customization and personalization are other significant advantages. Through recombinant DNA technology and other biotech techniques, it's possible to tailor ingredients to meet specific consumer needs. This customization leads to products that address particular concerns, such as sensitive skin or dietary restrictions, providing solutions that are more effective and satisfying for consumers. For example, probiotics are being incorporated into skincare products to balance the skin microbiome, catering to individuals with specific skin conditions like acne or eczema (4). Such personalized approaches resonate with consumers seeking products that align closely with their unique needs.

Biotechnology is expected to drive increased personalization in products across various industries. The rise of personalized nutrition and cosmetics is propelled by biotech, offering products that align closely with individual preferences and biological makeup. DNA-based skincare regimens are an emerging trend made possible by genetic analysis and biotech formulations, providing customized solutions for individual skin types (1).


Biotechnologically-derived ingredients often exhibit superior efficacy due to their purity and optimized structures. Enzymes produced via fermentation processes can enhance the performance of products like detergents, making them more effective at lower temperatures and concentrations, which conserves energy and resources. Research has shown that enzymes like proteases and lipases, when produced through microbial fermentation, significantly improve stain removal efficiency in laundry detergents, even at low temperatures (5). This not only enhances product performance but also contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing energy consumption.


Reducing environmental footprint is a critical concern for industries today, and biotechnology offers viable solutions. Biotech processes typically consume fewer resources and generate less waste compared to traditional methods. Microbial fermentation can produce high yields of ingredients using renewable feedstocks like plant sugars, reducing reliance on petroleum-based inputs and minimizing environmental impact. 

💡 Did you know? An example of this is the production of bio-based succinic acid from renewable resources, which serves as a platform chemical for various applications, offering a sustainable alternative to petrochemical-derived counterparts (6).

By utilizing abundant renewable resources such as agricultural by-products, biotechnology reduces the strain on limited natural resources. This approach not only conserves raw materials but also adds value to what would otherwise be considered waste. For instance, lignocellulosic biomass, a by-product of agricultural activities, can be converted into biofuels and biochemicals through biotechnological processes, contributing to a circular economy and reducing waste (7).

Biotech processes often operate under mild conditions, reducing energy consumption and minimizing the production of harmful by-products. Enzymatic reactions, for instance, can occur at ambient temperatures and pressures, leading to cleaner production methods that are better for the environment. This contrasts with traditional chemical synthesis, which may require high temperatures, pressures, and toxic solvents. A study highlighted the environmental benefits of enzymatic synthesis in producing pharmaceutical intermediates, showcasing reduced energy use and waste generation (8).

Addressing sustainability challenges, biotechnology harnesses renewable raw materials, supporting a shift toward a circular economy. By utilizing inputs like plant biomass or algae, biotech reduces dependence on finite resources and contributes to environmental conservation. The production of bioplastics from microbial fermentation of sugars is an example of replacing petroleum-based plastics with sustainable alternatives (9).

Many biotech-derived ingredients are biodegradable, minimizing environmental impact after use. This characteristic is crucial for reducing pollution and preserving ecosystems, especially in industries like personal care and cleaning products. Biodegradable surfactants produced through biotechnology degrade more readily in the environment, reducing the accumulation of harmful substances in waterways (10).

Optimizing production processes through biotechnology can significantly lower the carbon footprint of ingredients. Techniques like microbial fermentation are often less energy-intensive than traditional chemical synthesis, contributing to efforts against climate change. A life cycle assessment of bio-based chemicals indicated a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to their petrochemical counterparts (11).

Efficiency is enhanced through streamlined production processes. Biotechnological methods can simplify production by combining multiple steps into one. Enzyme catalysis can replace complex chemical reactions, reducing processing time and resource consumption while improving yield and purity. The use of immobilized enzymes in continuous flow reactors exemplifies this efficiency, leading to cost savings and higher productivity (12).

Strengthening product claims 

Strengthening product claims and storytelling is another area where biotechnology makes a significant impact. Ingredients developed through biotechnology come with robust scientific backing, allowing brands to make strong, evidence-based claims about their products' benefits. This scientific validation enhances credibility and can be a powerful tool in marketing and consumer education. For example, the use of plant stem cells in cosmetics has been supported by research demonstrating their antioxidant and anti-aging properties, enabling brands to substantiate their claims effectively (13).

Biotech processes offer greater control and documentation over sourcing and production, enhancing transparency. Consumers increasingly demand to know where ingredients come from and how products are made. Biotechnology enables detailed tracking from raw material to finished product, building trust and loyalty. Traceability is particularly important in industries like food and cosmetics, where safety and ethical sourcing are paramount. Implementing blockchain technology alongside biotech processes can further enhance supply chain transparency (14).

Leveraging biotechnology can set a brand apart by showcasing a commitment to innovation and sustainability. In a crowded marketplace, a compelling story that aligns with consumer values can be a significant differentiator, attracting customers who prioritize ethical and advanced products. Brands that adopt biotech solutions demonstrate forward-thinking and responsiveness to global challenges, positioning themselves as leaders in their industry.

While initial investments in biotech can be substantial, long-term benefits often outweigh initial expenses. Educating consumers about the advantages of biotech products is essential for market acceptance and can be achieved through transparent  communication and marketing strategies. Brands should consider partnering with biotech firms or investing in in-house capabilities to access cutting-edge technologies. Collaboration can accelerate innovation and bring unique products to market more efficiently.


Safety improvements are another critical advantage. Biotechnologically produced ingredients can be designed to eliminate allergens or contaminants present in natural counterparts. For instance, hypoallergenic wheat has been developed by silencing specific genes responsible for allergenic proteins, potentially reducing the risk of adverse reactions in sensitive individuals (15). Such innovations enhance product safety and expand the consumer base.

Safety considerations are paramount, and biotech offers significant advantages. Biotech can produce ingredients free from allergens or toxins commonly found in natural sources. For example, the production of recombinant hypoallergenic proteins can enable individuals with allergies to consume foods or use products that were previously off-limits (16). Biotech products undergo extensive testing to ensure safety and efficacy, meeting or exceeding regulatory standards and providing confidence to both brands and consumers.

Regulatory compliance 

Controlled biotech processes facilitate compliance with international regulations, essential for global market access. By adhering to strict production protocols, brands can avoid legal issues and ensure smooth distribution across different regions. Regulatory bodies often have clear guidelines for biotech products, and working within these frameworks ensures legitimacy and acceptance in the market.


In conclusion, biotechnology offers transformative benefits for formulations, environmental footprint, product claims, and brand storytelling. By addressing sustainability, efficiency, traceability, and pushing the boundaries of innovation, biotechnology empowers brands and formulators to meet current challenges and anticipate future demands. Embracing biotechnology is an investment in better products and a commitment to a better world. Brands and formulators are encouraged to explore biotech solutions, collaborate with experts, and lead the way in delivering products that are effective, sustainable, and aligned with the values of today's consumers.

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