Insights from Stephenson’s seminar at in-cosmetics 2024, “Why Consumers Love Waterless Solid Format Products”

Solid applications are both timeless and versatile. From the classic bar of soap to the conditioning bar that revitalises your hair, there’s a solid product to suit everyone’s needs.

As chemistry evolves, solid surfactants now hold the key to opening new markets. As a key ingredient in many personal care products like shampoos, soaps, and cleansers, surfactants help break down oils, dirt, and impurities, allowing them to be rinsed away easily. 

What is driving consumers to solid surfactants?

There are various reasons why consumers choose solid cosmetic products, but the pressing need for more sustainable products is a big driver of their popularity. Consumers are actively looking for waterless formulations, packaged without plastic and with strong ethical, environmental or natural certifications. Looking at market data from Grand View Research¹ specifically in solid bar applications, solid surfactants have risen significantly since 2017 with continued growth predicted. A Sustainability Survey² conducted in 2023 by Euromonitor International found that 64% of consumers are concerned about climate change. Despite 41% citing cost as the main barrier to making sustainable purchases, the World Economic Forum highlighted in a recent survey³ that at least 65% of consumers aim to make spending choices that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable life, emphasising the significance of making climate-friendly products the focus in the industry. 

Let’s dive deeper into some of the reasons why your customers are choosing solids:


Those looking for a more eco-friendly way of living might be persuaded by the more sustainable side of solids:

  • Reduced water usage: Solid cosmetics typically require little to no water, both in formulation and usage, addressing concerns about water conservation and sustainability.
  • Less packaging: These products often come in minimal or recyclable packaging, helping reduce plastic waste.
  • Lower carbon footprint: Being compact and lightweight, solid cosmetics are easier and more effective to transport, contributing to a lower carbon footprint. 


There’s also a certain level of convenience that should be considered when it comes to solid format products:

  • Travel: Solids are easier to pack when travelling because of their size, not to mention the fact that they are spill-proof.
  • Storage: These products are often easy to apply and store, fitting seamlessly into consumers' daily lives.


Longer shelf life

When a product can be used for a longer period of time, less waste is generated:

  • Preservatives: Low water content means that solids are less susceptible to microbial growth, often eliminating the need for preservatives and extending shelf life. The latter fits in perfectly with the minimalist, “less is more” trends!


Challenges in solid format product formulation

Solid products come with their own set of challenges, particularly in the realm of hair care. During the seminar, Timothy Pulleyn, Marketing Manager at Stephenson, explained that consumers are used to having a vast array of options tailored to specific hair types. This presents a unique challenge for brands investing in solid formats, as they must match or exceed these expectations in order to gain traction. 

One of the significant barriers to market entry is customer loyalty, especially in supermarket settings where shoppers tend to stick with familiar brands. With the rise of solid formats being driven mainly by indie brands and small to medium enterprises (SMEs), many consumers remain unaware of these alternatives or are hesitant to try something new.

“Despite these challenges, there is a growing demand for solid formats in consumers’ routines, particularly for solid surfactants,” Pulleyn noted. Consumers are increasingly drawn to products that offer mild formulations, sustainable packaging, clean and concentrated ingredients, and versatile applications. But while hair care applications are growing, they do pace behind that of facial, skin and body care products. This slower adoption is understandable; one of the main hurdles for hair care solids, according to Pulleyn, is the application process. Coupled with strong brand loyalty in this category, it’s challenging for new brands to attract curious consumers. 

Despite these obstacles, there is no reason to dismiss hair care solids entirely. Consumers are willing to explore these options if they can help reduce their carbon footprint. This underscores the importance for brands to highlight the environmental benefits of solid formats. Without this awareness, consumers may continue to make short-term, habitual purchases, overlooking more sustainable options for the future. 

Your next steps in solid product formulation

While the challenges of entering the solid format product market are clear, they are not impossible to overcome. In fact, they present an exciting opportunity for innovation. Brands looking to meet the growing demand for solid formats can turn to solutions like Stephenson’s Syndopal range.

This range is designed to be a perfect starting point for brands and manufacturers eager to create high-quality solid format products. With a diverse selection of solid surfactant bases, Stephenson offers the flexibility and versatility needed to cater to your customers’ unique preferences. Whether you’re looking to develop gentle cleansers, effective shampoos, or innovative personal care products, these solid bases provide the foundation to craft formulations that resonate with today’s eco-conscious consumers.

💡 Covalo Pro Tip: Syndopal Solid Hair Conditioner MB is an ultra-mild extruded syndet conditioner base. With strong deposition and cationic conditioning properties, this ingredient allows brands to elevate their hair care offerings, creating the full solution with solid format shampoos and conditioning bars.

Start formulating solids!

Solid formats are not just a passing trend - they are here to stay. As consumer demand for sustainable, effective, and innovative products continues to grow, brands that have yet to explore or expand into solid formats risk being left behind. Brands like L'Oreal, Glossier, and Clinique have already begun adopting solid formats to keep up with the growing consumer demand. Now's the time to consider how your product range can evolve to include solid formats. By embracing this shift, you can meet the expectations of modern consumers and position your brand at the forefront of a sustainable future. 

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  1. “Bar soap market size”, Grand View Research. Available online. Accessed 16 August 2024.
  2. “Voice of the Industry: Sustainability Survey 2023 Key Insights”, Euromonitor International. Available online. Accessed 16 August 2024.
  3. “Consumers want sustainable options. What food producers, suppliers, and retailers can do now.”, World Economic Forum. Available online. Accessed 16 August 2024.